Yadkin Riverkeeper Launches Sustainable Farms Initiative

One of the compelling story lines emerging in response to the Covid-19 pandemic is the importance of local farms and access to locally produced food. Did you know that there are more than 1,000 farms in the Yadkin River watershed that market their products directly to consumers, generating nearly $6.5 million for local, mostly rural communities?


Many of these farms are currently playing a crucial role in providing fresh and nutritious produce and meat to their communities as the coronavirus disrupts global and national supply chains.  As we work to combat the pandemic, the 125 farmers’ markets and more than 100 farms that offer community supported agriculture or CSA programs throughout the watershed will be on the front lines of ensuring our communities’ long-term food security. Click here to find locations of farms offering on-farm pickups.

Even before the current situation, YRK recognized the importance of these family farms in not only making our local food systems more resilient, but also in helping protect our water resources. Many of these farms practice rotational grazing, use vegetative buffers and manage nutrients and manure to reduce agricultural runoff and protect water quality. These and other “best management practices” or BMPs are the key to maintaining good water quality, while also meeting our food production needs.

In contrast to large-scale, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAF0s), these farms work with nature to protect streams, limit nutrient inputs/outputs, and holistically manage pastures to minimize erosion. They also market their products directly to the consumer, reducing their overall carbon footprint and minimizing other environmental impacts associated with transporting food long distances. Many of these farms also meet or exceed animal welfare standards.

To support and promote these farms and farmers, YRK is launching its Sustainable Farm Initiative with support from the Waterkeeper Alliance’s North Carolina-based Pure Farms, Pure Water campaign. The goals of the program are to:

1.       Build and assist a network of livestock farmers in the Yadkin River watershed who are committed to implementing river-friendly sustainable agricultural practices.

2.       Improve YRK’s relationship with the farming community and its perception of Yadkin Riverkeeper’s work on water quality issues impacting agriculture.

3.       Identify advocates for sustainable farming practices from within the farming community.

4.       Educate YRK members, consumers and restaurants about the importance of purchasing sustainably produced, river-friendly meat.

5.       Promote and expand market opportunities for sustainable meat producers.

 YRK has identified more than a dozen farms in the watershed that have expressed an interest in working with us to implement river-friendly farming practices. If you are a small farmer that directly markets your meat products and are interested in being part of this program, please contact YRK at info@yadkinriverkeeper.org. If you are a YRK member please remember, the meat you choose does matter for water quality, and in our current predicament, our long-term future may depend on it.